Imperfect Produce (review)

We got our first box of fruits and veggies from Imperfect Produce last night, and first impressions are excellent! It was easy to customize our box online and remove the evil bell peppers; this customization also allows you to increase or decrease the overall contents — so you can double up on something without having to take something else out. With text notification of delivery I knew exactly when to expect the box (and thereby thwart would-be produce thieves).

I opted to get the Medium Box of regular (non-organic) fruit & veg mix for our first box — but there are several options available. We got about twelve pounds of perfectly edible produce for $15 (got free delivery on our first box; future boxes will be about $20). If you use my referral link you can save $10 off your first order. Not a bad deal at all!

Our box contained three russet potatoes, three grapefruit, a couple apples, broccoli, a beet, three avocados, two zucchini, three onions, quite a few carrots, and four or five satsumas. Though the sizes were unusual compared to what my grocery store typically carries (the avocados weren’t much bigger than chicken eggs, while the beet was pretty darned huge), there was nothing outwardly “wrong” with any of it. I had a carrot last night and a couple satsumas this morning, all delicious. An apple and potato await me for lunch.

GeekWire had a great review of them last fall, comparing prices to other home-delivery options (TLDR: Imperfect Produce came out ahead).

About wonkydonkey

You want random? You got it. Mostly knitting and gardening, with some home improvements, pets, baking, family, and the occasional bad joke thrown in for good measure.
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