FO Friday (not)

I don’t have any Finished Objects to show you. I need to get a ton of sh*t done, and have dozens of projects under way, and I just am not getting anything completed.

Porch – no progress whatsoever in the past two weeks. I need to buy some new caulking; the stuff I used was a bit old and too thick to properly get into the smaller cracks, so it’s peeling off already in a couple places.

Reading – still working on the June book club pick (Liar, Temptress, Soldier Spy). We meet on Sunday, and I don’t think I’ll be done by then. This wouldn’t bother me as much if it wasn’t MY pick for the month; it looks bad for the host to not finish the book!

Sewing – have not had time to put the zipper into my arrow-print “Amelia” dress. It’s otherwise completed, taunting me in its near-readiness. I have a stack of other garments I would like to make myself, too.

Knitting / crochet – um, yeah. Fifteen or so WIPs and nothing off the needles this week. The socks are almost to the top cuff, though, so they’re close. I’ve been leaving them at home this week in order to read on the train instead (see above).

Soap making – definitely need to pump out some batches this weekend. I’ve got a booth at a street fair in three weeks and though I’ve got enough inventory for the fair itself, there would be nothing left afterwards – and I don’t want to be “that behind” for the show I have in September.

Plus, I’m way overdue for a haircut. And my annual physical. And I need to get the lenses in my reading glasses replaced (got a new prescription). I’m sure I need to get to the grocery store, plan some dinners, and do a bit of housework. Oy.


About wonkydonkey

You want random? You got it. Mostly knitting and gardening, with some home improvements, pets, baking, family, and the occasional bad joke thrown in for good measure.
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