Feeling square

I dug out a stack of flannel squares that have been marinating in the stash for, oh, ten or fifteen years and started quilting them. I’m doing quilt-as-you-go, because I just have a regular machine and it’s no fun cramming eighty pounds of fabrics through it; figured I’d try this method. The squares are 5.5″, and I haven’t done the math to determine how many I need for a bed-sized quilt… I also haven’t counted the squares that I have. So I guess there’s no reason to break out a calculator because the quilt will be whatever size it ends up being with the squares I have. (Whew, dodged the math bullet!)
I’ve got 18 so far; they will be joined by thin strips of fabric – probably red. I’m just doing straight line quilting, not evenly spaced but not too crazy.


About wonkydonkey

You want random? You got it. Mostly knitting and gardening, with some home improvements, pets, baking, family, and the occasional bad joke thrown in for good measure.
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